Enhance Your Web Design

You probably know “A Picture Says A Thousand Words” and that also goes for Logos and Graphics as well as images.  We know that today’s visitor to your website will quickly scan each page looking for answers. Research shows that correctly placed images, infographics, or icons can really enhance the quality of your website. As a result, you create a much better User Experience.

Types of Graphics


Your Logo and Domain Name all help create your Company Branding. As a result, this builds the foundation of other marketing materials for your new business. Because of this, your Logo represents you and provides a perception to customers as to your integrity and professionalism. Also, a Logo embeds an image that is easy to remember you by. Your goal is to make potential customers feel you are trustworthy and reliable. Coastal Website Designs can help new businesses create a new Logo Design at an affordable price.

Images & Graphics

We know that Images and Graphic Design can take your website to another level. Consequently, when you add Graphs, Icons and Infographics they draw your visitor’s attention to the piece of content that is showcased on each page. If you are using Pinterest, great looking Pins can give you good results. We strongly recommend adding quality images and graphics to your Web Design.


Most people would agree that Great Photos mean Great Results. Above all, poor quality images distract potential customers visiting your website and produce an unprofessional result. Therefore, if you don’t have photos, don’t worry. We can help source Professional Stock Photography that’s affordable and looks great. You could also consider a professional photographer that can really show off your company to the world.

Photo Restoration

Occasionally our clients will have old photos they would like to use but are damaged, torn, or stained. We can help bring those images back to life without destroying the original. Your original photo is scanned at high resolution and the photograph is returned. Finally, the copied image is then Photoshoped to correct imperfections and damage. You will be amazed at the results.


We would love to help you with any questions concerning your existing website or how to get started with your very first web development project.

Call 08 9536-8139